Delivery and Takeaway now reach 2 out of 3 Spaniards

66% of Spaniards have used the service of delivery of food at home (Delivery) and food to take (Takeaway). This is one of the main conclusions that emerge from the new study 'Out Of Home Consumption in 2018' by Kantar Worldpanel. This means that these new emerging forms of consumption have already been used in Spain by 22 million individuals, with Takeaway being the most popular option of the two.

The 'boom' of these new channels means that each one of them already exceeds the number of times that is purchased in supers through the internet. While the online shopping basket gets 20 million purchases per year, Delivery reaches 67 million and Takeaway reaches 107 million. However, the average ticket for these forms of consumption is lower: the cost per act in Delivery and Takeaway is 12.9 euros and 8.2 euros respectively, while that of the online channel is almost 40 euros per purchase.

The consumer has more options today than ever. In 2018, the line that until now divided two very marked and exclusive environments has been blurred: supers and hipers very focused on consumption within the home and restoration very focused on consumption outside the home and we find supers who have developed a line of food ready to go and with the classic restoration that through the Delivery and Takeaway also enter into consumption within the home.

An example of this is that 7% of the meals and dinners that come from the restoration are already consumed in the home. For its part, 44 million acts of purchase in the Hipers or Supers are made for lunch and dinner outside the home.

According to the study, it is expected that these forms of consumption continue to grow in the coming months . By 2019 the delivery growth is expected to accelerate through aggregators that will try to expand the service coverage, we will also see the appearance of new players like Klikin and the development of the Dark Kitchen model or closed-door kitchens

Understand the motivations of consumers who consume outside the home, what they are demanding and why it is essential for brands, distributors, restaurateurs and all types of operators to find ways to grow in this market in transformation.

Publicado: 14 01 2019
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Delivery and Takeaway now reach 2 out of 3 Spaniards
Puntuación 4.5/5 - 3 reviews

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