The economic sectors associated with gastronomy represent 33% of Spanish GDP

The activity linked to gastronomy, understood in a broad sense and including from the agricultural production, to the distribution, the associated tourism and the hotel trade, supposes 388.159 million euros of production, equivalent to 33% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and employs 3.73 million workers, 18% of the total, according to the report 'Gastronomy in the Spanish economy' prepared by KPMG.

The study includes interviews with sector experts, who have concluded that to assess the value of the gastronomic activity must take into account from agricultural production, livestock and fisheries (with domestic and foreign trade) to the food and beverage industry ; without losing sight of the distribution and what is the food itself, both in homes and in the hospitality industry.

With these figures, KPMG contributes, on the one hand, data to a sector in which so far were the numbers to measure their weight on the Spanish economy and, on the other, confirm the relevance of these sectors associated with gastronomy. "Spain is a gastronomic power in the international market, where the competition via prices has been giving way to a search for more quality, which has allowed to position some Spanish gastronomic products in the premium strip of the international market and some of its restaurants among the best in the world year after year, according to accredited international classifications, "says the report.

The study provides some more data: food products represent 17% of total Spanish foreign trade and account for 15.5% of the expenditure made by international tourists in Spain ; while Spain has 206 restaurants with Michelin stars ("one of the highest ratios on the international scene", recalls KPMG) and, in addition, adds 13 restaurants in the top 100 worldwide list The World's 50 Best Restaurants.

Publicado: 22 01 2019
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The economic sectors associated with gastronomy represent 33% of Spanish GDP
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