Dairy products will have to specify the origin in the labeling

This Tuesday comes into force Royal Decree 1181/2018 that requires to indicate the origin of the milk used as an ingredient in the labeling of milk and dairy products made and marketed in Spain. The legislation will regulate the mandatory indication during the next two years and will be a posteriori according to the results when they decide on its continuity.

For the first time, the consumer will be able to see in the labeling of these products both the country of origin in which the milk has been milked, and the country where it has been transformed , so that the right to choose the purchase of the products is facilitated. consumers.

This rule also affects yogurt, cream, whey, butter, cheese or cottage cheese , among other dairy products. The Interprofessional Milk Organization, Inlac, has reminded that knowing the origin of milk is a demand of the majority of consumers in Spain, and is perceived as a positive attribute associated with its quality. " It is a measure that is highly anticipated by the sector."

This regulation will provide relevant information to the consumer, who will gain in tranquility about the origin of the product he is acquiring, and will also have advantages for producers and industry because a better indication of source could boost sales. Products manufactured prior to the entry into force of this royal decree, which meet the applicable provisions at that time, may be marketed until their stocks are exhausted.

In this way and with the new regulations, the origin of the milk used as an ingredient that represents a percentage higher than 50%, expressed in weight, will be indicated with respect to the total of ingredients used.

In addition, the labels must include the milking country and the processing country, in case they coincide, the place will be indicated after the mention 'Origin of milk' , the place where milk has been milked and processed. The food business operators will now have the possibility of adding more precise information about the place of origin of the milk, if it comes entirely from the indicated origin, by indicating the name of a region or territory.

Publicado: 22 01 2019
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Dairy products will have to specify the origin in the labeling
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